If you're a small business owner, you may find times when you're a little short on cash. A Business Operations Loan from Acadia helps you keep your inventory well-stocked so you focus on giving your customers that gold star service.
We can be creative and flexible with our loans because
We are a SBA (Small Business Administration) Preferred Lender. Unlike the big banks, we’re excited about working with small businesses. We have a special interest in providing small businesses loans and helping them grow. We applied to join the SBA’s network and we’ve been screened, evaluated, and stamped with the SBA’s approval.
We offer FAME (Finance Authority of Maine) guaranteed loans, specializing in the 3Fs: Forestry, Fishing, and Farming. This initiative’s goal is to provide access to capital so you can leverage Maine’s natural resources. This program provides subordinate (gap) financing to assist new entrants, and/or existing companies undertaking a project to materially expand their operations in the forestry, fishing, and farming industries.
We make the whole experience fast and painless. Our experienced staff often makes decisions within 48 hours. All of our loans are managed in-house, and you can set up automatic, recurring payments through our online banking portal.
We ask that you bring your last two years of tax returns and either purchase orders or estimates for what you’re looking to buy.
Need help? Send us a message.
The excitement that our members show when they have been approved for a loan is a big part of what keeps me motivated. Karen Daigle, Commercial Loan Officer & Hoop Star
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